Specialists in training, coaching & inspiring people at work

To help people be more, be better, be inspired.
We care about helping people be better in skills that matter to all of us: to thrive at work through good leadership, relationships, and personal effectiveness.
Our intent is to inspire growth and challenge our clients to stand out with excellence rather than just blend in.
Our goal is to equip people with strategies, insights, and ideas to be and help others be, successful.

Arlene Nicholson
Post Grad Cert Mgmt Public Sector Leadership | Nat Cert Adult Ed | Certified Mental Health First Aid trainer
Debi Higson

Dip Org Psych | Grad Dip Training & Development | Member NZATD
Certified Leadership Circle Practitioner | Certified Positive Intelligence Coach
Certified practitioners in these profiling tools:
TetraMap, Puzzle People, LBP, ESI, TMP, QO2, SI
About Us
Our careers started in business working in customer service, sales, and marketing. We had the pleasure of managing teams and business units in a variety of corporate and government industries and know the challenges that being in business brings.
And then we discovered learning and development. Collectively we have over 40 years experience in training and coaching others to be more effective in business outcomes and relationships within our culturally diverse world. We work with people from a wide variety of backgrounds and industries and have a specialist interest in health, having worked in district health boards and pharmaceuticals for many years.
We pride ourselves on doing our best work every time and all our programmes are tailored to have the look, feel, and voice of our clients.
If you'd like to meet us, click here.

Employers & Manufacturers Association | Dominion Construction | NZ Strong | OPUS | Mitchell Vranjes Structural Engineers | Construction Cost Consultants | Sika (NZ) Ltd | MOTAT | DHL Global | DHL Express | Tamaki Health | Radius Care | Counties Manukau DHB | Waitemata DHB | Kids After School | and many more

Website design by Alex Nicholson 2020